In this article, we will be Creating a setup for penetration testing.
All the Penetrating distributions out there are made only for the same purpose and by similar mindset people. That results in a great attack machine but not great distribution considering other factors like GUI, hardware compatibility, drivers, etc. But You know what, we can make our own customized Attacking machine just in a few steps.
Garuda Linux(Dragonized edition)
We are going to use the BlackArch Linux repository (BlackArch Linux repository is one of the largest repositories for penetrating tools containing more than 2500 tools ). As BlackArch is also a great attacking distro, it may not be that user-friendly. It is more sort of repository which you can add on top of other arch based Linux distribution. So we are going to add it over the Garuda Linux.
Garuda Linux is an Ultimate Linux distribution made for all types of users. It is unlike any other Linux distribution out there. Being Arch-based, it is a great performer as well as packed with all the necessary drivers and software.
Installation is fun, so skipping it,
All we need to do now is, downloading a Script from BlackArch, and run the script. It will add the BlackArch repository to your Linux and that’s all. Now you can install whatever tools you want. Let’s do it right here!
Downloading Script from BlackArch:
$ curl -O
Next, run the script.
$ chmod +x
$ sudo ./
And there we go.
Now let’s add tools to our gorgeous attacking machine.
$ sudo pacman -Sg | grep blackarch
All the categories in BlackArch repository are listed here, there’s alot. right?
You can easily install whole category which you are going to work on using this.
$ sudo pacman -S blackarch-webapp
But As I mentioned above, this is very big repository so you will get a lot of tools which you might not use.
You can list all the tools using
$ sudo pacman -Sgg | grep blackarch
Why not installing only those tools which we are going to use.
$ sudo pacman -S 'your tool name'
Like I am installing BurpSuite here:
$ sudo pacman -S burpsuite
Yo, Now you have a great power-packed attacking machine,
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